Lesson Details
A320 Performance (Day 3)
Covering Go Around, SE, W&B and Descent performance on the A320
Service Description
This lesson is 3 of 3 designed to teach the A320 pilot the performance aspect of operating the aircraft. The performance course is divided into 3 days. On day 3 the following will be covered: - Fuel Penalty Calculations (QRH and EFB) - Go Around vs. Discontinued Approach Procedure - Go-Around Performance Calculations (FCOM) - Go Around Flaps Operation - Single-Engine Performance Calculations (Standard, Obstacle and Fixed Speed Strategy) - Weight Definitions - Cargo Storage - Weight & Balance Calculations (A320 Load & Trim Sheet, Paper and EFB) - Top-of-Descent Calculations (simple and detailed formula) - Descent Management The course is designed to teach the performance with the use of manual tables and charts from the FCOM, QRH as well as using the EFB. While paper charts is often not used by airlines, this approach teaches the theory of the performance much better than simply using the electronic EFB. It is therefore of greater benefit to the pilot.
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Cancellation Policy
For personal One-to-One session, specific restrictions apply: Due to the personalised nature of our tutoring, to cancel or re-schedule a one-to-one booking please allow us minimum 24 hours notice. One-to-One sessions booked less than 24 hours are not subject to cancellation. Please refer to our 'Booking & Cancellation' policy for full details. A link can be found in the bottom of the website. Thank you
Contact Details
+45 607-MINDX